March 20, 2009

Eating my ROCKY ROAD!

Hi, I’m Phoodie, and I’m a Phoodaholic.

I’m not looking for a 10 or 12 step program  to help me as I don’t want to get better or to be cured!

In fact, it is my AIM to remain a Phoodaholic and it is THE SOLE AIM of this blog to convert you, unless you don’t need converting (i.e. you’re one already!)

I’m the wife of “Husbies” and the Mama of  a daughter, “Zipper” (one of her many nicknames) and a son, “Teddy” (not his real name, or even his nickname, just what I wanted to call him but husbies didn’t, so we didn’t! You know, you both have to agree when it comes to naming your kids! But I digress…….)

I studied Interior Architecture at university in both Sydney and California and worked for almost 9 years in the industry before realising my TRUE passion was to be with Phood 24/7.

In 2009 I toddled off to Le Cordon Bleu in London and immersed myself in cookery school. I lived and breathed all things Phood and experienced some of the most AMAZING gastronomical phenomenons in the world!

In 2010 Zipper was born and in 2011 Teddy was born.

In 2012 I started blogging a little more regularly, albeit with 2 small bubba’s at my side! Currently, I aim to post between 2 to 4 times per week.

It’s my goal to blog more and more and MORE AND MORE as time goes on, but my ULTIMATE dream is to launch an online TV series of never-ending Phoodievision webisodes!

ATTENTION – ATTENTION – ATTENTION PLEASE: If you work for a TV network or you have a billion dollars and want to work with me to fulfil this dream, I can be contacted via Facebook ( www.facebook.com/phoodieblog ),                    TWITTER ( @phoodietweets ) or on E-mail ( phoodietweets@gmail.com ) If you just want to ask me something about the blog or a recipe or ANYTHING to do with Phood etc, I can also be contacted these ways!

Happy eating and may the Phood Phorce be with you!

All recipes, photographs and additional content on this website are the property of www.phoodie.com.au – Should you wish to use or reproduce any of this content, contact should be made to it’s owner via email (phoodietweets@gmail.com) All reproductions and the like MUST be referenced AND linked back to www.phoodie.com.au


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1 comment

1 John O { 06.24.09 at 11:00 am }

Disappointed to not see last night’s review. Can’t continue my day until I’ve seen how Chez Bruce stacks up!!

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