Lamb on the Spit – A Poem by Phoodie 0

July 20, 2009

The smell of the garlic, the oil and the salt awakens the blocked-est of noses,

The mingling sensations that run through the nostrils enlighten far more than do roses.

Right from the time when the sun pops it’s head out, the lamb has begun to turn turn turn,

The anticipation of what I’m to eat, starts to give my poor heart bad burn burn burn.

It’s not just the garlic, the oil and the salt, but the oregano plays a good role,

In making the lamb turn from ‘dead piece of meat’ to ‘mouth-watering feast over coal’.

Preparing the lamb, the tradition and song is lovely there’s no doubt ’bout that,

But let’s face the facts, by FAR the best part is when we all start to get fat! (In our mouths!)

By fat what is meant is that Dad’s said the words ”Come on everyone it is ready!”

And like bulls at a gate we bolt to the spit drawn by smells that have made us all heady.

We stand in a crowd and we all are so proud of what magic has been worked before us,

We chuckle away, with big smiles on each face, as we chomp it all down in sweet chorus.

L is for Lemon, the other ‘must have’ that makes it taste really darn good,

A is for Anyone, (Vegetarian or not), will love this meal like they didn’t think they could!

M is for Me, wanting to make, the taste last forever and ever,

B is for BBQ, the Spit’s poor lost cousin, who’s cooking’s will be as good NEVER!

O is for Oxygen that has to be pumped into my body as I cry out from joy,

N is for Neighbours who’ll smell this great feast whose company you must not employ as,

T is for The more lamb YOU get in YOUR mouth the happier that you will be!

H is for Hunger that has nothing to do with your need to eat lamb endlessly!

E is for Everlasting memories of meat that doesn’t require teeth to eat it.

S is for Soft and succulent pieces that disappear before you can re-heat it!

P is for Party, birthday or other, any excuse for some more,

I is for Impossible, ’cause that’s what it is to persuade someone, this feast’s a bore,

T is for Timeless and Treasured and Loved, a dish that warms one to the core.

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1 Our PHABULOUS Easter PHEASTER – 2011 « PHOODIE { 05.01.11 at 2:52 pm }

[…] Orthodox Easter (Greek) we always prepare a Lamb on the Spit. ( I have written a poem about that here and this year was no […]

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