PHRIDAY PHEAST #2 – Phish and Phries (and YUMMY tartare sauce) 11

April 20, 2011

I love SO many things about this Phriday Pheast…..let me run through a few……

From beginning to end, it’s basically a 20 minute meal!

The phish is BAKED not FRIED so it’s super healthy!

The phries are shallow fried in olive oil, so they’re pretty healthy too!

Adults AND kids BOTH love it!

It’s fun to make!


DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER – it is my sister’s recipe!

My sister is a very, very good cook, and as we speak approximately 10 – 100 times a day, yes, of course, I get many a phood realted idea from her. She expressed her uh….um…..frustration? with me re: the lack of credit I have given her on my blog, so I told her I would credit her from now on, where necessary and I then invited her to be a part of Episode 2 of Phoodievision, which was the filming of the making of this week’s PHRIDAY PHEAST, her Phish and Phries. Being a little camera shy, she declined the offer to be on video, but said she would shoot it and call out pointers when required (UPDATE: We here at Phoodie are stillllllllll undergoing technical issues re: this video – we are working on those issues and HOPING that the video of this meal will be up in no time sooooo STAY TUNED!)



FLATHEAD – skinned and boned – as many pieces as your guests will eat. (I say 1 per child and 2-3 per adult)

PLAIN FLOUR – seasoned – this means with salt and pepper tossed through it

AN EGG – whisked with a fork – you may need more eggs depending on how much fish you have, 1 egg per 5 pieces fish is about right

BREAD CRUMBS – a big pile – I always use either Panko, Japanese crumbs or homemade ones

PARMESAN CHEESE – 1/3 of the above-mentioned big pile, grated (note: the crumb mix which is made up of bread crumbs and parmesan, should = 1 part parm to 3 parts bread)


KIPFLER POTATOES – boiled, then cut into ‘home style chips’ – how many potatoes?! well how many chips do you want?! I think 3 potatoes per adult, 1 per child?!

OLIVE OIL – for shallow frying

SALT AND PEPPER – to season


MAYO – either homemade or whole egg / full fat / extra creamy – a massive dollop


SHALLOT – diced


WHITE WINE VINEGAR – or lemon juice – a splash

Note: quantities are up to you! Go to town! Kindaaaaa like capers?? Add just a few. LOVE Shallot? Add 3000 kilos – you get the idea. Also, the sky is the limit in terms of what you can include! Sometimes I like to boil and dice an egg and chuck it in!

For the PHISH;

Turn the oven on to about 180 deg cel and allow to heat for 10 mins.

One piece at a time, take the fish, cover it in the seasoned flour, shake it off, dip in the egg and coat in the crumbs (combine bread crumbs with parmesan to make these crumbs).

Place on baking paper lined tray.

Repeat for all pieces of fish.

When finished, drizzle lightly in olive oil, slam in oven for about 20 mins or until cooked through and golden brown.

While this is in the oven make the PHRIES;

By heating a fry pan with some Olive oil, not too much, but not too little, basically cover the bottom of the pan.

When hot, drop in the phries.

Cook on each side until golden brown.

Season with salt and pepper and remove.

Place on paper towel to drain.

The phish will still be cooking so you have time to do your TARTARE;

This is the easiest of the lot!

Toss everything into a bowl and stir!


Set aside!


Take the fish out of the oven, place a couple of pieces on a plate with a generous handful of fries and a good dollop of sauce!



Kali Orexi!

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1 Amy { 04.23.11 at 5:08 pm }

Hi!!! Completely unrelated but went to the centennial today! YUM. The pizza was fab (I got the pumpkin)! Was a bit nervous walking there (please don’t rain, please don’t rain) and I could feel the crowds getting anxious (how much further? This better be good!) but we were all more than impressed. Thanks for the tip :) xxx amy

2 phoodie { 04.23.11 at 9:42 pm }

Amy, I am so pleased you went and enjoyed!!! It is great isn’t it!! I hope you had waffles too!! If not, next time!! :)

3 phoodie { 04.23.11 at 9:50 pm }

p.s fingers crossed that the weather is better tomorrow!!! :)

4 Amy { 04.27.11 at 1:32 pm }

I tried to go to Fratelli on Sunday night but it was closed. Devastating! Went to Fratelli Fresh instead and the food was nice but the service left a lot to be desired. So sad I didn’t make it to Paradiso!! Next time though, my friend who lives around the corner who I went to Fresh with lives at the good one so will definitely be there next time. Then we did Thai Monday night at Opium Den. Amazing!! Best Thai of my life, but perhaps thats cause I’m used to Adelaide haha. Thanks for all the tips :) XX

5 Jane { 04.27.11 at 3:41 pm }

Phoodie stop making me hungry!!

6 phoodie { 04.27.11 at 8:12 pm }

hehehehe!!! :)

7 phoodie { 04.27.11 at 8:14 pm }

I have never actually eaten AT Frat Fresh – just got takeaways! such a shame the service wasn’t great :( Yes Opium Den is totally yummo! There are actually dozens of VERY GOOD Thai places in Sydney – we are lucky! Thanks for reporting back how it all went!! :)

8 Heléna { 05.02.11 at 11:08 pm }

*yum* how long do you boil the potatoes for?

9 phoodie { 05.03.11 at 8:09 am }

That’s a tough question! It depends on the size, shape, weight etc so I couldn’t give you an exact time….. basically you want to cook them 90% of the way through….as when you fry them the cooking process is finished off. You will know when they are finished boiling by sticking a knife in them and watching them slide off the knife. Keep testing them with the knife so that you pull them out of the water AS SOON as they are able to slide off a knife. Hope that helps! :)

10 Heléna { 05.09.11 at 9:18 pm }

thanks – I will try these -)

11 phoodie { 05.09.11 at 9:20 pm }

You’re welcome! :)

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