PHRIDAY PHEAST #6 – Wagyu Beef Burgers w Caramelised Onions + other yummy thangs! 0
June 9, 2011
Let me start by saying Happy Birthday to me.
Sorry, just had to throw that in.
I love birthdays.
Your birthday.
Her birthday.
His birthday.
And of course, my OWN Birthday. This years was an absolute cracker! It was a cracker for MANY reasons, one of them being that I scoffed Adriano Zumbo’s Eurasian 2011 collection from one end to the other……You will shortly be able to read about that in another post!
Separate to all of that, it’s that time of the week again, PHRIDAY PHEAST time! And this week I have brought you another “Assembler”. Basically, all you need to do is to be organised and this DEEEEEEE-LICIOUS burger can be sunbaking on your tastebuds in NO TIME AT ALL!
Get your kit of parts in line and assemble, assemble, assemble!
For 2 Burgers you will need:
1 tomato – sliced
4 large pieces lettuce – washed
2 slices cheese
2 Hamburger patties – I used Wagyu beef mince, 1/4 cup breadcrumbs, 1 egg, 1/2 onion chopped finely, 1 clove garlic crushed, and salt and pepper to make mine
2 sesame seed buns – halved and toasted
1/2 an Avocado – sliced with lemon juice on top
4 onions – caramelised i.e. finely sliced and placed in hot hot pan w 1tbsp butter, 3 tbsp olive oil, 1 tsp sugar, salt and pepper – continuously stirred until cooked to a mid-dark brown colour – takes about 1/2 hour
Tomato sauce / ketchup
First step, toast your bun.
Then, add your Mayo, be generous.
Caramelise those Onions and shove a big mound of them on next. Note: these can be made ahead at any time!
Now on with the Avo and Tomato…
And a good ol’ slap of cracked pepper.
Now cook your burger patty.
When burger patty has been turned over and is justttttt about to come off the heat, place slice of cheese on top. It will take about 20 seconds to melt. Once melted, remove patty.
Place this on top of all the other yummy stuff!
Now for some crunch – on with the lettuce.
And to finish it all off a Ketchup doused toasted bun top!
It’s winter. It’s Burger time. Go on. DO IT!
hehe happy birthday!!!
ohh! it looks really delicious!! wow. and happy birthday ! dont cook tday ,enjoy ?
Thanks Jinny!!!! :)
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