Honey Glazed Carrot + Radish Salad with Feta + Walnuts. 2

August 23, 2012

Purple Carrots.

I’ve been wanting to do something with them for AGES.

But what?!

The lady who sold me these ones at my local farmers market said they were great “for juicing”….. I’m sure they are, but I wanted to cook with them not smash them to smithereens for their liquid!

In any case, at the end of the day they are still carrots, and what better combo is there than carrots and honey……and butter! Purple carrots are apparently AMAZING for you, you can read about them all over the internet, so a little bit of “good” (the carrots) and a little bit of “bad” (the butter) makes for a nice, even balance methinks!


3 large Purple Carrots, chopped

3 Large Orage Carrots, chopped

7 Radishes, sliced

100 grams butter

3 tablespoons honey

2 teaspoons Salt

1 teaspoon Pepper

1 cup walnuts, roasted and chopped)

1 bunch parsley, chopped roughly

200 grams feta crumbled into (approx) 1-2cm pieces


1) Wash, peel and chop the carrots. You want the pieces to be roughly the same size so that they cook evenly. I cut them in half. I then cut the top half into four long strips (quarter it) and the bottom half into about 8.

2) To prep the radishes, wash and chop off the top and bottom. Then slice them into 3 or 4, half cm thick pieces.

3) Boil the carrots and radishes together until firm without a crunch (note: you can actually cook them for as long or as short a time as you like, depending on what texture you prefer –  as long as you don’t completely OVERBOIL AND KILL THEM. I normally like a crunch to my salads but in this case it’s a “salad” not a salad, if you get what I mean…..OK, even if you don’t get what I mean, just do as you wish…. I tend to think of these like “roasted vegetables”, even though they aren’t roasted, and I prefer my roasted vegetables without a crunch. I write as I speak as I think, and I apologise.) Let’s move on.

4) Once cooked, drain and refresh in cool water. Set aside.

5) Melt together honey and butter on medium heat, then turn down to low heat and toss the carrots and radishes through this delicious mixture, making sure to coat ALL of the vegetables in the glaze! This should take 2 – 3 minutes. Once done, place vegetables gently onto a serving platter and season with salt and pepper. Keep the liquid from the glazing pot to spoon over at serving time.

6) Roast and chop walnuts, chop parsley and feta.

7)Toss the nuts and parsley throughout the “salad” carefully. Crumble the feta all over the top of the salad (you don’t want to toss it through as it will discolour) Make sure you reserve plenty of nuts and parsley to garnish the top as well. Spoon over additional glaze on each persons plate as you serve. (This can be eaten as a light lunch on it’s own or as a side to a lovely, roasted piece of beef or lamb…. or however you darn well please! ENJOY!)


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1 Jess { 08.23.12 at 2:49 pm }

This looks delicious and your photos are lovely. Well done Phoodie. Jx

2 phoodie { 08.23.12 at 2:52 pm }

Thanks Jess xxx

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