Banana Bread with Coconut and Maple Buttercream 2
March 5, 2015
The other day I opened my fridge and 34343438439020920120310 bananas looked back at me.
All were overripe.
All were sad.
All were looking for a makeover.
I empathised.
*I* want a makeover…..
“WHAT TO DO WITH YOU?” I thought…
… OR, I may have actually even asked the bananas that question out loud..
But you all know me by now so you probably guessed that.
I took to Facebook and a tonne of you gave me suggestions, ideas, recipes, inspiration….
I ended up going with Banana Bread. But not just any banana bread! The EASIEST banana bread in the land (thanks to the Master, Donna Hay, whose recipe I used as a guide!) I added in coconut, because, COCONUT. I also added MAPLE BUTTERCREAM, because, M A P L E B U T T E R C R E A M!!!!!!!!!
I hope you enjoy it!
Banana Bread with Coconut and Maple Buttercream
(This recipe is based on an awesome Donna Hay Banana Bread recipe. I have added Coconut and also the Maple Buttercream.)
4 ripe bananas (1.5 cups mashed)
1/2 cup light-flavoured extra virgin olive oil
3 eggs
1 and 1/2 cups brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 and 1/2 cups self-raising flour
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 heaped tablespoon shredded coconut
1) Preheat oven to 180 deg cel.
2) Mash the bananas in a bowl. Add the oil, eggs, sugar and vanilla and mix to combine.
3) Add the self raising flour and cinnamon and mix to combine. Sprinkle coconut over the top and mix to combine,
4) Pour into a 21 x 10cm baking paper lined loaf tin.
5) Bake for approx 1hr and 10 mins or until inserted skewer comes out clean.
6) Allow to cool for 5 mins in pan before turning out. Turn out and leave to COOL COMPLETELY before icing with buttercream, or buttercream will split!
200g butter – room temp
3 and 1/2 cups icing sugar (sifted)
1/3 cup maple syrup
1) In an electric mixer, whip the room temperature butter on med/high until light in colour – about 1 min or so.
2) With the mixer still going, add the sifted sugar, bit by bit in a steady flow. Be sure to scrape down the sides and base as you go.
3) Once the buttercream has come together and is very light and fluffy, add in the maple syrup very slowly, with mixer on medium. Once all the syrup has been added, put mixer back to high and mix until well incorporated.
4) Spread generously over cooled banana bread loaf.
(Leftover buttercream keeps in the fridge for up to a week)
Great recipe Phoodie and super easy. Thank you!
Awesome! :)
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