July 27, 2017
I love this.
For several reasons.
1) It involves Hummous. And whether you spell it Hummus, Humous, Hommos, or any other way, I bloody love the stuff.
2) Kids can make it.
3) Kids love to eat it.
4) It’s healthy AND super simple to whack together!
There kinda is no traditional list of ingredients or method but rather a description of how to put it together, so here goes….
Chop the tops off as many capsicums as you like. making sure to buy a variety of colours. Generously spoon either homemade or store bought hummous into each one. Stand them nose to tip (as per my photos.) Chop cucumber ‘wheels’ and pin them into place with toothpicks or a dollop of hummous. Chop celery, cucumber, capsicum and carrot sticks and wedge as many as you can fit into each capsicum ‘carriage’… ENJOY!
1 comment
Wow! What a fabulous idea, really so yummy.:)
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