Fruit Tarts – Le Cordon Bleu style…. 0

September 6, 2010

After weeks, well actually MONTHS, of Dad saying to me “Did you realllllllly study at Cordon Bleu?” and “When are we going to try some of this schmancy French food?” and “I’ll believe it when I see it” and “Can’t you just cook me oneeeee litttlllllllle thinggggggggggg from your Frenchie days”….. I finally decided to whip up some pastry and creme pat, slap some fruit on top and STOP THE COMMENTS COMING FOR FIVE SECONDS!! Kidding Dad – love ya! :)

It was the first time I had made pastry since I graduated so I was nervous…….turns out I didn’t need to be…… (“oh get over yourself!”……”no, I won’t get over myself I’m darn proud” …….”well you’re meant to let OTHER people compliment you on your cooking, you’re not meant to compliment yourself”……”It’s MY blog, I can do what I like!” – Sorry that was the voices having a little chat)…….

In any case, pastry was delish, all tarts = gone without a trace. NMP.

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1 Michelle Barraclough { 09.10.10 at 10:21 pm }

Yummo! These tarts look divine. I just want to pluck one out of the picture and slice it with a fork. Good pastry is hard to master. Any secret tips?? ;)

2 phoodie { 09.11.10 at 12:04 pm }

Thanks Michelle! Top tip for pastry is something that most people will disagree with….but it works for me….. Tip = don’t be scared to ‘play’ with the recipe……everyone says with baking / pastry making etc you must be precise, and I agree to an extent i.e. follow the recipe exactly to start with…..but if, for whatever reason, you have followed it and your pastry seems too wet or too dry, don’t be scared to add some water or flour etc – go with your GUT! :) I’ve got a big enough gut from all the eating I have been doing recently! :)

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